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Why You Should Make Dental Resolutions in 2020

January 3, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 6:28 pm

a young woman smiling with her arms foldedThere’s nothing better than walking out of a dentist’s office with a clean, refreshing smile. You might find yourself running your tongue back and forth across your teeth, smiling because of the way it looks and feels. But if it’s been a while since you’ve had that experience, it’s time to consider how a regular teeth cleaning in Greece can put you back on track and on your way to better oral health in 2020. Take some time to learn why there’s no better time than now to get serious about your teeth and gums and what you can do to improve them this year.

Why Optimal Oral Health Means Improved Well-Being

If you really think about it, it should come as no surprise that when problems in the mouth develop, you’ll quickly notice that problems in your body will as well. The reason is that everything you consume must pass through the mouth, coming into contact with your teeth, gums, throat, and other soft tissues.

As a result, bacteria (both good and bad), as well as food particles, are left to find a place. If you’re lucky enough to be drinking water during or after you eat, you’ll likely flush away anything that could potentially stick to the chewing surface of your teeth and lead to decay and gum disease. However, water isn’t the only thing that will keep you from developing serious oral health problems.

Maintaining good dental hygiene practices at home as well as eating a nutrient-rich diet full of leafy greens, lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and dairy will also help to keep your mouth and body in tip-top shape.

Not to mention, a regular dental checkup in Greece and cleaning is a must. Why? Because your dentist is your greatest ally in ensuring your teeth and gums remain healthy for a lifetime. By devoting about an hour of your time twice a year, you can avoid timely and expensive restorative and emergency dentistry. In fact, every $1 you spend on preventive care will save you $8 in other, more complex treatments.

If you like the idea of spending your money on other things you enjoy (i.e. clothes, trips, a new car), you’ll take the time to see your dentist and care for your smile.

Ways to Improve Your Oral Health

Want to make 2020 the year of better oral health? Your dentist in Greece will be thrilled to hear you say that and will be happy to provide you with useful tips to improve the status of your teeth and gums. Some of these include:

  • Brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes
  • Using fluoride toothpaste to protect against tooth decay and strengthen enamel
  • Floss between teeth at least once a day
  • Rinse with an ADA-approved mouthwash
  • Keep six-month dental checkups and appointments with your dentist
  • Limit the amount of sugar you consume and instead, incorporate healthier foods into a more well-balanced diet
  • Stop smoking and drinking excessively

Let 2020 be the year of self-care! Spend some time taking care of your teeth and gums and reap the benefits of what can lead to a healthy, longer-lasting smile.

About the Author
Dr. Joseph Vollo earned his DDS degree at SUNY Buffalo before completing a post-doctoral Advanced Education in General Dentistry residency at the Western New York Veterans Hospital. He and his colleague (and wife), Dr. Katherine Vollo, strive to offer patients the care they need to achieve healthy smiles as well as the educational information to better protect their teeth and gums while at home. To learn more about us and the services we offer, contact us via our website or call (585) 225-9114.

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