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5 Reasons to Schedule Dental Checkups Early in the Year

January 9, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 5:44 pm
person’s hand circling the word “dentist” on calendar

This year, why not focus on taking better care of your smile? Whether you set this as a resolution or just work on it without those guidelines, keeping your beam in good shape is key to promoting excellent oral health. There are benefits to seeing your dentist any time of the year, but continue reading to learn why you should consider scheduling dental checkups early in the year.

#1: Do It While You Have Time

One reason for getting dental checkups early in the year is because you’ll likely have more time to. Many people will be busy traveling back home after the holidays or preparing to go back to work or school. This means that you won’t have to compete to book your ideal treatment time. Additionally, you won’t have to worry about taking time off for appointments later in the year.

#2: Catch Problems Early On

Many oral health issues will continue to get worse if left untreated. This is why it’s so important to see your dentist as soon as possible. This will allow them to identify and treat oral health problems sooner rather than later before they become expensive and time-consuming.

#3: Maximize Your Dental Insurance Benefits

If you have dental insurance, your deductible will likely reset at the beginning of the year. This is the amount of money that you will need to pay before any of your treatment costs are covered. Attending dental appointments early in the year means that you will be able to meet your deductible sooner so treatments later in the year are more likely to receive coverage.

#4: Get Started on New Dental Habits

One of the benefits of visiting your dentist is that they can give you tips on how to better your oral hygiene at home. This may include eating or avoiding certain foods, brushing or flossing better, and more. This will allow you to keep your smile healthy between appointments.

#5: Improve Your Overall Health

Diabetes, heart disease, and other health problems show signs in the mouth. This means that visiting your dentist can help you catch overall health problems early on. Additionally, diabetics are more likely to get cavities, gum disease, and other oral health issues. This is due to their blood sugar being too high. Biannual exams also allow your dentist to look out for signs of oral cancer.

About the Practice

Vollo Dental Group gives patients the tools, tips, and treatments they need to maintain healthy beams. They offer dental checkups and cleanings to keep your teeth healthy and bright. Additionally, they can give you advice on how to better care for your smile between appointments. If you are ready to set up an appointment with Vollo Dental Group or want more information on their services, call their office at (585) 225-9114 or visit their website.

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